Exploring Zenity Command in Linux

Harshal Kondhalkar
4 min readSep 23, 2021


What is Zenity?

Zenity is a program that will display GTK+ dialogs, and return (either in the return code, or on standard output) the users input. This allows you to present information and ask for information from the user, from all manner of shell scripts.

For example, zenity — question will return either 0,1, or 5, depending on whether the user pressed OK, Cancel or timeout has been reached. zenity — entry will output what the user typed into the text entry field.

Use of Zenity:

Zenity can be considered as the replacement of echo command in linux which gives output in the form of dialogue. GTK+ treats a dialog as a window split vertically. The top section is a GtkVBox , and is where widgets such as a GtkLabel or a GtkEntry should be packed.

Zenity Basic Dialog Boxes:

This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes(‘-’)

Application options:

calendar : Display calendar dialog

entry : Display text entry dialog

error : Display error dialog

info : Display info option

file-selection : Display file selection dialog

list : Display list dialog

notification : Display notification

progress : Display progress indication dialog

question : Display question dialog

scale : Display scale dialog

warning : Display warning dialog

text-info : Display text information dialog

color-selection : Display color selection dialog

password : Display password dialog

forms : Display forms dialog

To explore more options you can use zenity — help command

Following are some examples of zenity command along with its options:

zenity — calendar — title=”Thats my day” — text=”Select the day” — day=24 — month=5 — year=2000

zenity — calendar — date-format=yyyy/mm/dd

zenity — entry — text=”Enter your text:”

zenity — entry — hide-text

zenity — error

zenity — error — text=”Malware” — icon-name=”Alert” — no-wrap — no-markup — ellipsize

zenity — info — text=”This is the info page”

zenity — file-selection

zenity — list — text=”Enter your List:” — column=”Header”

zenity — list — text=”Enter your List:” — column=”Header” — hide-header

zenity — notification — text=”You have got a notification!”

zenity — progress — text=”Loading…” — percentage=50 — pulsate — auto-close — time-remaining

zenity — question — text=”Are you satisfied with Service?”

zenity — warning — text=”Warning! Still want to proceed?”

zenity — scale — value=25 — min-value=0 — max-value=50 — step=1 — print-partial

zenity — text-info — editable — font=”Calibri” — auto-scroll

zenity — color-selection — color=”Blue”

zenity — color-selection — show-palette

zenity — password — username

zenity — forms — add-entry=MyField — add-password=1234 — add-calendar=”cal” — add-list=”New list” — list-values=”new value’ — column-values=”col” — add-combo=”New Combo” — show header — text=”this is my new form”

zenity — about

zenity — version

You can explore more options with man zenity command which will give you the zenity manual

Thank you!

